Thursday, April 21, 2016

Having fun, fun , fun

Yea I know I don’t post much anymore.  Really trying hard to not remain married to weather.   This week my wife was chairwoman for the Women & Men of Fashion awards down at the Hilton where I received their Hall of Fame award.  On Wednesday I spoke to a group of volunteers at the St. Tammany Parish Hospital’s awards luncheon.  Today was a Brenda & Bob day as all of our company from the weekend returned to their homes.  Tomorrow is Friday golf with a trip to the North Shore this weekend.   I’m struggling with this retirement thing…NOT!   Weather-wise, a weak frontal boundary will bring drier air tomorrow resulting in cooler nights, especially across the Lake.   Get out and enjoy it as the real heat of Summer is not far away.  Sunny skies + Jazz Fest = bad sunburns.  Sunscreen & hats are a must.

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