Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Message of Change...

I have been attending Hurricane Conferences for nearly 4 decades getting to know some of the giants in Hurricane forecasting.  Their message has always been simple…be prepared, have a plan, be ready to leave.   Somewhere along the road, the “social scientists-wordologists decided the public wasn’t getting the message and we needed to improve the way we communicate.   For a while the buzz word was MITIGATION or the ability to reduce loss of life & property by lessening the impacts of disasters.  For the past 2 years the new buzz word Has been RESILIENCY, the capacity to recover quickly.   Looking around mine neighborhood finds 3 new houses just built , only one with functional shutters.  We know how to build Resilience homes but don’t want to pay for the extra costs so most go the cheap/less expensive route.


Another startling revelation at the conference was there were no papers presented regarding Global –warming, Climate Change or weather extremes.   All the signs that make up the early season’s predictions are indicating a below normal/average hurricane season. With the likely probability of having  2-3 storms form in the Gulf.    Stay Tuned!
















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