Monday, May 11, 2015

May Fronts Lose Push

We have entered the time of the year when fronts no longer are cold fronts, but boundaries that provide the focus for showers and T-Storms.  Sometimes those boundaries stall near us and produce some incredible rain amounts.  This afternoon we had one such boundary moving our way from Texas.   Storms were firing off with even a tornado warning issued for parts of the North Shore.   Then as the storm moved over Lake Pontchartrain with very ominous dark clouds,  bud-a-bing, it collapsed and was gone.   Where it rained, amounts totaled 1-3”+,  most locations on the South shore got enough to wet the ground.    Tonight’s models are not indicating any heavy rains redeveloping, but I’m always nervous when these old fronts stall right over us.   Let’s pay attention on Tuesday to see if storms re-fire.  Dew points are back 70+ telling me there is plenty of low level moisture to work with so any storms that do form will be very efficient rain producers.   Keep the umbrellas handy.



Received another e-mail from a PR firm warning about allergies IF we don’t control climate change.   Geez, the arrogance of man.   We’d be way better off trying to control crime, hunger,  poverty.     These are things we really can do.   We cannot stop climate change & the CYCLES of our Planet.

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