Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Yo Adrian, You're The Season's First Hurricane...In The Pacific.

I promised I wouldn't bore you whining daily about how hot it is.  Seems all the local stations do a good job of that!  I'm here primarily as your hurricane consultant and it appears we will easily get through the first month without a threat to our Gulf Coast.  As mentioned yesterday, Tropical Storm Adrian formed in the eastern Pacific & today he's been upgraded to their first Hurricane of this season.  Right behind him is anther strong disturbance that is expected to be named Beatrice tomorrow.

Neither system appears well organized on the IR (color) loop, but the second system (Beatrice) is expected to move much closer to land than Adrian.  But the Pacific is not our concern  In the Atlantic, the Saharan Dust has spread off of Africa.

The dust is shutting down any development over the MDR for the next several weeks, which is typical. So June might have started active (3 named storms), but the action has now shifted over to the EPAC.

Cindy has been gone for days, but there remains a small swirl (yellow arrow) that NHC gives a low chance for development well off the east coast.  Our focus should be on the extreme heat for the next 2-3 days.

The core of the heat dome will move right across Louisiana/Mississippi tomorrow & Friday with record breaking highs flirting with 100.  Coupled with dew points 75-80, this is dangerous heat and you should use common sense when being outside. (I'm golfing Thursday AM)  This is summer in the South & we don't stop living and stay inside.  Just stay hydrated and pay attention to your body signs.  Several cities did reach 100 today.

So what I would like our local weathercasters to tell us is this.  Show me when we can expect some relief from our usual daily summer showers.   As the next graphics indicate, the center of the upper high drifts right over us resulting in near zero rain chances Thursday & Friday.  But looks what happens for this weekend.

By Saturday, an upper tough approaches that starts to flatten the upper high with the trough totally pushing the high away by Monday.  That will bring back the daytime heating storms making next week less hot.

But before then, we have 2-3 days with record breaking heat to endure.  Today's high of 98 at MSY broke the old record of 97.

It's a rare Summer day when when have no rain in LA/MS/AL into the Florida beaches.

No rain means extreme heat.  However, NOLA's Mayor called "This heat unprecedented" in today's paper.  Had she watched Bruce Katz yesterday, she would have known that to be false/wrong.  Bruce pointed out only twice (1980, 2010) have we had 2 days back to back with temps hitting 100 or higher.
A Google search reveals unprecedented means "never done or known before".  Well, we haven't been hotter than 98 yet.   So we have been this hot before.  Finally,

The 2023 Storm Guide is out at many vendors.  You can view a digital copy at the link below.

For now, we have nothing to follow in the Tropics, so let's focus how keeping safe during this current heat wave.  Stay tuned!

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