Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Clouds Really Do Make The Difference

At this time of the year, when the weather is the same day after day, week after week, it was difficult to come up with new stuff to keep folks interested in the weather.  I tried to find the "minutiae/trivial" things in weather.  Today it's the obvious link between clouds & temperatures.

Biloxi is cloud & rained cooled 79 while Baton Rouge was 96!  Look at Texas.

No clouds equal 100+ heat.  It's the same story out west.

The green arrows indicate some moisture flowing into New Mexico & Arizona, but it hasn't reached Phoenix where it topped 110 again today for the 14th straight day.  Has it happened before? You bet. But why go there?

This has been a Summer of a persistent Great Lakes upper tough with a West Coast upper ridge.  While it's hot under the ridge, look at how chilly it is in Minnesota & Wisconsin & Michigan.  

Models are hinting the heat dome might build back next week, but who knows.  We know we stay hot, humid with spotty storms so the 7 day is pretty useless.  

The dust keeps pouring off of Africa so the MDR (Main Development Region) is shut down for now.  NHC still gives an area way out over the Atlantic a 50% chance for formation. Who cares?!!!

Tropical Storm Calvin has formed in the eastern Pacific & is expected to become a hurricane.  Keep the action over there while we just deal with the usual Summer heat.  Stay tuned!

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