Monday, July 10, 2023

Training Creates "Extreme" Flooding in Vermont...

We all know about the training effect down south.  That's the process where storm cells keep forming/moving over the same track.;  That process has been happening up over the Northeast where a slow moving upper storm brought persistent southerly winds creating lines of storms moving along the same location (Training effect).  Small streams erupted into raging torrents forcing many to evacuate by boat since roads/bridges were washed out.

Either side of those lines and you didn't get much.  Underneath the band that stayed over you for hours and you were slammed with 8-10"+!  Fortunately, we haven't seen that happen here, but we have seen several lines/bands of storms today.

We hit 94 at the noon hour, but have been cooler as clouds and showers increased.  An upper trough remains over the Great Lakes and has allowed a weak cold front to stagger into north LA/MS.  No it won't reach us, but will be the focus for above normal/average showers & storms for the next few days.

The extreme heat has shifted back to our west.  What makes us feel so hot is the high (75-80) dewpoints that cover most of the Gulf South.    Later this week, IF the upper high builds back our way, we'll see showers chances decrease and temps increase.

There is nothing going on in the Tropics.  NHC continues to highlight an area for possible development (because models say so) way off the East coast.

It'll get a name, but it'll only bother the shipping lanes.  Finally, I've had an email issue that disabled my WVUE Facebook page.  IF you don't see a post for several days, go to  Sorry for the interruption.  Didn't go fishing today, but will try again tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

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