Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Some Folks Received Relief, So Close Yet So Far

I have posted many times that clouds & showers make us less hot.  However, for most of the past 2 months, we have stayed dry with few clouds resulting in brutal heat way above average/normal.  Today was different as a cluster of storms fired off east of the mouth of the river before daybreak hinting that a weak upper disturbance might allow more clouds & showers.  It definitely was less hot today, especially where the rain has fallen.  Can you tell just by looking at the 4 PM temperatures?

We need for more storms to develop in the 'ring of fire" pattern around the persistent upper heat dome, but hope that dome shifts farther to the west.  That might bring us some cooling relief later this week?

Parts of Missouri, Illinois & western Kentucky has been under that training pattern where 5-10" of rain has fallen in the past 2 days.  That water should start a surge heading down the Mississippi River later this week.

In the short term, little change is expected for another 2-3 days, perhaps longer, all depending on the movement of the upper heat dome.

There are signs that next week should see a return of more numerous showers/T-Storms that should keep us slightly less hot.  There is some good news with that upper blocking heat dome.

It is keeping any tropical threats far to our south.  The eastern Pacific has Major Hurricane Dora churning away from land with another disturbance that is expected to develop right behind it.  The tropical wave over the western Caribbean is heading into central America and could also develop.  But the rest of the Tropics are staying quiet for the next 7-10 days as we approach the Heart (Aug 15- Oct. 10) of the hurricane season.  Stay tuned!

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