Friday, August 11, 2023

You Can Run From A Hurricane, But A Firestorm...

News coverage has been dominated (rightfully so) by the horrific firestorm that has killed at least 55 people in Maui.  The city of Lahaina (13,000+ pop) has been especially hard hit. Seeing the videos of what's left reminded me of  local NWS Forecaster Robert Ricks who issued a warning for Katrina back in 2005 that said, "many areas will be uninhabitable for weeks, perhaps months " after the storm.  That's Lahaina today.  But the difference is, you can run/evacuate from a hurricane.  You cannot outrun a Firestorm, especially when the only way out is the ocean.  Let me explain.

Using Google Earth mapping, the top view shows you where Lahaina is located in regards to the mountains.  The bottom views show you how the harbor & town looked before the fire.  Note the road along the waterfront.

Here's what's left and it isn't pretty.  Note the burned out cars abandoned along the waterfront.  We can only speculate that folks tried to flee the fire and headed to the Pacific.  Sadly, not everyone made it.  Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, firestorms & hurricanes are all part of Mother Nature's role on our Planet.  Fortunately for us, hurricanes move slowly enough to provide advanced warnings to flee.  I hope I never have to be involved in any of the other disasters, but I'd choose dealing with a hurricane before the others.

The heat goes on with no relief coming for this weekend.  I'll let the local weathercasters tell you about it.  However, I was encouraged by Zack Fradella giving us some hope for next week.

Models are indicating the upper Heat Dome will retreat back to our west allowing for a cold front to at least bring us higher rain chances by Tuesday & Wednesday.  That should make us less hot, maybe?!!! Enjoy your weekend, use common sense outdoors & stay tuned!

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