Friday, September 22, 2023

Ophelia Is Born, Won't last Long...

NHC upgraded PTC 16 to Tropical Storm Ophelia at 2 PM.  On the 4 PM advisory, her winds are approaching Hurricane strength as she nears the coast of North Carolina.  Ophelia is a lop sided storm with the heaviest rains and strongest winds west & north of the center.  Satellite views confirm she is not a major tropical system, but she'll bring high surf & heavy rainfall for a large area from NC to NYC.

NHC expects the center to reach the coast before daybreak and quickly weaken as it moves up towards DC, Philly & NYC.  Rain totals will exceed 6-10" (orange) in spots with widespread 4-6" (yellow) and 2-4"  (green).

So far, ground truth data is not showing winds near the 70 mph found by the recon aircraft.  Still, this storm/hurricane will give NC quite a blow tonight with heavy rain being the main concern tomorrow & Sunday.   Since we are on the dry side of Ophelia, don't look for much rain here as drier air will dissipate the weak upper disturbance to our NW. there is not much happening over the rest of the Tropics.

The system way out off of Africa is surrounded by Saharan dust so development will be limited in the next 1-2 days.  All we are concerned about is the Caribbean & Gulf and they look great!

Dew points in the 50s & 60s are flowing around Ophelia so this weekend should feel almost hot, but no as humid.  The cold air remains out west where the upper tough is bring rain into southern California,

We need rain here, but it appears chance will stay slim to none for another week.

No rain means too hot as we again topped 90+.

I do see a nice cold front coming during the first week in October.  For this weekend, Fall arrives at 1:50 AM Saturday, but it won't feel like it.  Finally...

The last two people I was allowed to hire at Ch. 8 were Kim Vaughn & Chris Franklin.  Today was Kim's Birthday and we celebrated it with lunch at Drago's.  Pop's advice to them?  Don't let "youth be wasted on the young".  Couldn't understand that saying until I got old!  He-He.  Stay tuned!

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