Saturday, October 14, 2023

Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over !!!

Back in the 70s, the NFL started Monday Night Football with Frank Gifford the play by play announcer, Dandy Don Meredith the color commentator & Howard Cosell as, well, Howard.   When games got out of hand with one team way out in front, Dandy Don came up with a jingle/song that he said the "Fat Lady" might sing at the end of an Opera. He called it "Turn Out The Lights, the Party is Over".  I have used it to signal when the threat for a major hurricane is over for us.  With our newest surge of cold air blasting into the Gulf tonight, the "Fat Lady" is on stage and will begin singing after dark!  Here are my reasons.

Even though sea surface temps in the Gulf are still 80+, look at the Oceanic Heat Content (2nd graphic) that is much cooler over the northern Gulf.  Since any disturbance coming off of Africa takes 2 weeks to reach us, we don't have to worry about that anymore,  If something were to form that might affect us, it would have to form closer to home.

In addition, all models keep fronts coming and the upper level shear over the Gulf would steer anything towards Florida and away from the northern Gulf.  Hence, let the "Fat Lady" begin singing.  If any late October system did form, it would not be an "evacuation type" storm.   Will there be more named storms?  Absolutely, but they should stay away from us.  Time to get ready for cooler air.

And our next surge arrives later tonight and on Sunday as the Upper East Coast trough has chilled much of the nation.  

All day sunshine allowed us to approach 80, but see the 60s just to our NW.  Dew points fall into the 40s & 50s which is really dry air.

Today's warmth will be replaced by brisk (20-30) northerly winds tomorrow into Monday.  You'll need jackets & sweaters going off to Church.  Enjoy the chill & the Saint's win (31-17) tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

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