Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Lingering Marsh Fire Creates Another Deadly Super Fog...

Back in the late 60s going to school in Ann Arbor, there was a weathercaster on Detroit Television named Sonny Elliot.  His gimmick was combining two words to make one (Windy + Frigid = Wigid ).  I remember one that caught on nationally. (Smoke + Fog = Smog).  Back then, before the clean air act of 1970, air pollution was awful and almost every major city had smog problems.  That is different from what happened last month on I-55 and again this morning on I-10 in New Orleans East.  

The city smog of the 70s was widespread versus this morning's narrow band coming from that stubborn marsh fire.(top view)  The wider view confirms how patchy the fog was and that's what makes it so dangerous.  The bottom view captures the many fires burning from Mississippi into Georgia all because of the lack of rainfall.

I wish I could say changes are coming, but not in the short term.   The bottom radar view has very little rain falling anywhere across the country.  The next 2-3 days will stay warm and dry before a weak front gets close on Friday.

The European model is bullish on the front stalling off our coast and weak disturbances riding along that boundary.  Note the heavy rainfall (4-7") over south Texas with 1-2" amount for south Louisiana during the next 7 days.  that won't happen before Friday.

What the 7 day does show is a cool down from the 80s to the 60s, which is more typical of early November.  But the main forecast concern is more morning fog with the potential for deadly super fog near that marsh fire in New Orleans East.  Stay safe, slow down & stay tuned!

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