Friday, November 3, 2023

Not What We Need, Quiet Pattern Lasting Next 5-7 Days.

Some times Fall can see some large & strong storms develop as the battle from approaching Winter cold clashes with lingering Summer-like warmth.  But to have those systems form, you must have upper support.  Alas, that is not happening over the lower 48 with the one really strong storm approaching the Pacific northwest.  It will bring them an "atmospheric river" with tropical storm force winds, heavy rains and snows at higher elevations.

In this El Nino Winter, the southern stream (sub-tropical jet) is supposed to be very active bringing rains to California and across all of the Gulf South.  That is not happening yet as the satellite view has nothing in the pipeline west of the Baja.  With mainly west to east upper flow, the cold air will remain bottled up over Canada keeping most of the nation with above normal temps. into next week.

That flow also means there will be no widespread rainfall over the Mississippi & Ohio River basins.  So if you like it warm and dry, you'll enjoy the next 5 -7 days.

As we get more humid at lower levels, look for daily patchy fog to form.  Coupled with the lingering local marsh fires, we need to pay attention when driving late at night & early in the morning.  Finally...

NHC is determined to get through the whole list of named storms this year.  I don't see anything happening for the next 7-10 days, except over the Eastern Pacific.  There is an interesting feature that has been over the Gulf all day.  It would be nice to see it shift a little to the north to bring us some rain.  Remember, when in drought, leave it out.  Enjoy your weekend & go Tigers & Roll Green Wave!  Stay tuned!

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