Sunday, December 10, 2023

Finally Starting Like December, Cool Week Coming...

After yesterday's record breaking high of 83, we failed to get into the 60s during the daylight hours today with strong north winds making it feel even colder.   Many spots north of Lake P. will approach freezing while it stays 40+ south of the Lake.  As winds diminish on Tuesday, that could be our coldest morning this week.

The cold front has pushed well off our coast driving the colder, much drier air over us.  We should see plenty of sunshine Monday & Tuesday before clouds come back making for a dreary last half of this week.

Our overnight rain totals were less than an inch with my house getting .58". Heavier totals (1-2") fell across the North Shore & coastal Mississippi.   Florida is getting soaked this afternoon with rain streaming up the east coast into New England.  Of note, most of the precip. is rain and not snow. 

The real cold is streaming in out of Canada, but it's well back over the western Great lakes.  Near 60 warmth has made its way up to Boston!

We need to start paying attention to Alaska & norther Canada as super cold air (20-30 below) is building.  IF the eastern trough deepens, look for real winter to show up over the eastern states.

What is impressive with our latest cold surge is how far it has pushed off the Texas coast and down towards the Yucatan.  Note the dew points over south Texas are in the teens compared to the 70+ in Miami.   What you'll notice later this week is the brisk east winds that will develop over us as a several lows try to form over the Gulf.

All in all, I don't mind the chilly temps that are what should happen in December.  I just don't want to see any stupid cold (teens & 20s) head our way.  Not seeing that happen in the next 7-10 days.  Hey it may not have been a great wind for the Saints, but a win is a win.  We're back in the hunt, except Dennis Allen has got to get a more creative play caller.  Yo DA, have you ever watched the 49ers?   Stay tuned!

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