Monday, November 26, 2007

Cold, not Frigid...

With "Meteorological Winter" (Historically the 3 coldest months) beginning this Friday, we look northward into Canada to see if the Arctic air is building. Yep, sure is as most of Canada tonight is below zero. No need to get alarmed since the jet stream this week will stay mainly zonal (west to east) keeping the real cold across the northern tier of states. The long range computer guidance indicates we could see some real cold in about 10 days to 2 weeks. That's plenty of time to prepare your house & yard for the coming freezes.

Well the Times-Picayune has done it another story about how warm 2007 is ending. The National Climatic Data Center says it will end up in the top 10 warmest years in the past 187. What they fail to tell you is that the number of weather stations recording temperatures is much less than just 25-30 years ago. Most of the stations dropped were in the rural (cooler) areas. Never let all the facts get in the way of a good story !

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