Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thank You AMS !!!

As many of you know, I have been attending the American Meteorological Society's 88th annual meeting held in New Orleans this week. Their WeatherFest science fair on Sunday was their best attended ever! And last night they honored me as their Broadcaster of the Year at their awards banquet. Although I have debated them over their stance on Climate Change, they recognized my contributions to weather and science education over the past 30 years here in New Orleans. For that I am deeply grateful. Thank you AMS !

Weatherwise, we seem stuck in a pattern of either too cold & wet or too warm & wet. Tomorrow & Saturday look nasty again before we see a nice day on Sunday. Next week will begin warm, but will turn wet & then cold again. The good news is the real cold, pipe breaking type cold, will stay well to our north and east. This is supposed to be a La Nina winter, but the southern storm track is more active like during an El Nino type winter. That is driving storm after storm into California. We need more of those storms to move over the drought regions of the Southeast.