Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here They Go Again...

Yep, it seems like every weather event is " rare, unbelieveable, unprecedented, never happen before"...yada,yada,yada. At least that's what I was hearing being reported by national & local media. Tuesday's tornado outbreak was unusual for February, but rare? Not according to the Storm Prediction Center. They say February tornadoes happen almost every year. What was rare was the number of tornadoes (78) and their long tracks . Long tracks are common in the spring time, but usually the winter tornadoes are on the ground for much shorter times. The Times-Picayune even threw in "some think it might be due to GW" (that's Global Warming folks). Shucks I remember lots of wild weather events back when I was growing up in the 50s & 60s. Could it be that it's the NATURAL VARIABILITY of Mother Nature? Nah, it must be us evil humans. Shame on us. We breathe too much!


Editor B said...

I agree that's a silly response. But just as no single weather event can prove global warming, no amount of silly responses disprove it.

Bob Breck said...

No one is disputing the current warming CYCLE. I find it silly that "scientists" are unwilling to debate/consider any reason for the cause of the current warming to be mainly man and not something else. As I have said before, there are more serious, solve-able problems than for man to try to change/reverse climate change. There are those who would rather wreck the economy & put people out of work just so they will feel good for saving the Earth.

Tman said...


I was reading an article about there no longer being any winters in the U.K. on the online edition of The Scotsman. Among all the howls of protest from those shivering was one from Tweedmouth, England. This person reported that during the 1930s and 40s the Arctic was 3-4 degrees warmer than it is now. How can this be verified, if at all? Thanks for being a voice of reason among all the GW Chicken Littles.

weatherman said...

I've heard from the Weather Channel that there is another Ice Age coming up, and the warm periods, like we're in now, lasts a shorter period of time than the cold periods(Ice Ages). Fortunately, that not happening in another 40,000 years.