Monday, April 21, 2008

Earth Day April 22nd...

I am all for Earth Day, protecting our Planet from pollution, conserving natural resources and being environmentally responsible. That's what a USA Today article about actor Ed Begley was all about. "Begley...has never been shrill about his beliefs. He just lives his life as he thinks is appropriate and lets others live theirs, giving advice only when he's asked." That's what America has always been about...except for this year's Earth Day.

Earth Day 2008 is "a call for Climate...our global warming action theme." This comes even as more and more data suggests the current warming cycle has leveled off and may have started cooling again. Even the MIT scientist Al Gore quoted in his movie regarding increased hurricane activity has backed off that claim indicating that computer models are not verifying reality. So why are so many pushing an agenda that wants people to"call their government & urge SIGNIFICANT and EQUITABLE action on climate change." (translation - more taxes, more government control of our lives) The people that will be hurt the most will be the poor that can't afford higher prices. Just look at what ethanol (a poor fuel substitute) has done to corn prices. If you look on the Earth Day web page, you won't see a Carl Sagan scientist type hyping the cause...nope just actors, singers and politicians. That should tell you...BEWARE!

Our local weather should stay fairly quiet this week. Staying warm and mostly dry.

1 comment:

Caveman said... Sen. James M. Inhofe has a list of 400+ debunked people who don't believe in man made global warming including 44 weathermen, guess who is on this list? Yep, Bob Breck! He combed through university profiles, oil money think tank rosters, news stories and the now-robust literature of climate skeptic debunking. Weathermen help us navigate the vagaries of weather on a local level every day, but this isn't a discipline that requires forecasting world climate conditions decades from now. The whole fact Inhofe was trying to debunk – that there is a broad consensus among scientists that global warming is real, caused by humans and a serious threat – was only articulated because of hoaxes perpetrated by the so-called skeptics on this list. (Why not assume Inhofe found them all?) By undermining the press and politicians on the issue, those global warming skeptics helped keep the problem from being recognized, let alone addressed, for years. One could say they stood squarely in the path of truth, and thwarted its progress, jujitsu-style, until finally being overrun by a triumphantly emboldened mass. Bob you are famous.... What's up with this?