Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crisis Gardens? Yep, The End Is near...

On this Earth Day, I'm impressed with many of the efforts to protect our Planet. We should try to limit our trash and be good stewards of the environment. But do it because it's the right thing to do and not because some one tries to scare you about your future. Tonight I heard on the radio the latest scare tactic. We should buy "hybrid seeds" to have ready for our "crisis gardens" when mankind brings the Earth to its knees. Aw C'mon now...enough is enough! Want to be concerned about Iran and/or North Korea setting off a dirty bomb? Absolutely! But please...stop scaring us making everything a crisis. Even Oprah got into it somewhat today. Stop using bottled water she says...but what about my water deliveryman who has a wife & 2 kids? Stop using plastic bags because they're killing animals. But what about the people whose jobs are making plastic bags or plastic bottles? Better, let's stop throwing or dumping this stuff in our oceans. Banning it? nah, just put a charge ($.25/bag) on them and people will switch to cheaper products. The money raised could be used by local governments to help lower deficits. We always over the "cap & trade" bill Congress is trying to pass. Will it lower CO2 emissions? Nope, but it will make some folks rich while most of us pay more for energy.

Only a weak upper disturbance out West might bring us a stray shower Friday PM. Otherwise, a warm, windy & dry weekend.


Laura said...

Thank you. There's a depressing shortage of common sense these days. This was a refreshing change.

Caveman said...

Simple solution to most of America's problems... ANYONE that gets ANY kind of aide from WIC, Foodstamps, housing allowance you name it must be on B I R T H CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!