Saturday, April 3, 2010

32 years and counting...

I arrived in this city on April 1st 1978 and officially joined WVUE-TV on April 3rd. My goal was to return to either Chicago(where I grew up) or to Detroit(where I went to school in Ann Arbor), but that was a dream that wouldn't come true. Instead I found a new home way down yonder where I've grown to love the people, their culture and the weather. Yep, I really do like our long summers. I'm very fortunate that they accepted me as their Weather Authority. Thank you for 32 wonderful years.

I have been in Orlando attending the National Hurricane Conference trying to stay current with the latest information from the National Hurricane Center. It was discouraging to see NO other media persons from the New Orleans market attending, and very few emergency management personnel from Louisiana. Never will I assume I have enough knowledge when it comes to being ready for a hurricane threat. I guess that's why FOX 8 can say we are YOUR WEATHER AUTHORITY. I will continue to earn your trust. Thanks and Happy Easter.


Unknown said...

Congrats on making 32, and here's to another 32 more!

Your insights on weather have really helped, and I appreciated that they're based on reason, not ratings. Keep up the great work!

Susan said...

Thank you for 32 wonderful yrs and many, many more!
My family ONLY trusts you and your team during hurricane season and always, Fox 8 is always on in our house :) We trust you b/c you provide weather with reasoning not scare tactics/fear.
Thanks again for all you do, we certainly appreciate it!!!

Nashette said...

Congrats on your 32 years as our local weather source. Wow, that means you were with us as far back as Hurricane Camille. That surely was a whopper!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Bob!

And thanks to Fox 8 for making sure at least ONE station represented! Geez that is discouraging...