Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where are the Hurricanes?

Historically, the average date for getting our 1st storm to become a hurricane is August 10th. We are passed that date, but I expect that may change during the next 7-10 days as computer models are developing several waves out in the Atlantic. I like the current steering set up as the Gulf will remain protected from any storms by a repeating pattern of east coast troughs and strong upper ridging over the Northern Gulf. That should steer storms up the east coast or, if they don't make the turn to the north and get into the southern Gulf, they will stay far to our south and head towards northern Mexico or south Texas. Stay tuned!

The heat goes on, but the Dallas quest for the longest stretch of 100+ heat is over at 40 straight days. That comes close to the record of 42 days set back in 1980. We will continue with a heat advisory into Saturday-Sunday when a weak cool front could increase our shower chances.


Anonymous said...

(IF) 93L makes it into the caribbean, we hae a serious prob..

Anonymous said...

BOB, please tell us what you think about whats gunna happen in the tropics next week. will there be a trough there to protect us and the the GOM? thanks..

kingd said...

It is worth watching, but we dont know if 93L will even make it through the weekend..

jimjames said...

tuesday, is the day we will see
ex93L come back, by friday we'll have a major approching the gulf.
looks like a land fall between tx and la.. theres still alot of time and things could change...
god bless

kitchy-koo said...

Pay no attention to jimjames. He's trying to scare you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure global warming is creating this heat wave Bob. Its one of the worst in Texas history. The globe is warming whether you want to accept it or not.

Anonymous said...

Your sure its global warming, im sure its august. Was it not hot last summer? yes. Will it be hot next summer? Yes it will... Come on people stop drinking the kool aid. If your so sure than prove it..

Anonymous said...

Jimjames is not trying to scare u, hes watchin the euro models from last night

Kingd said...

93L has fallen apart, no reliable models show it coming back 2 life. Still keep an eye on the tropics though, if you watch the tropics you no how unreliable the models are on weak storms.
the caribbean is a good envirment for it 2 make a comeback.. Stay weak and go to texas they can use all the rain they can get..

Anonymous said...

Just Use Logic
Do you believe in Man-Made Global warming? Well, you shouldn't!


You don't need a huge think-tank to see through the propaganda. Here's how to figure out the truth for yourself:

1. Have you looked at your own outside thermometer? Record lows and snow storms abound.

2. Seventh grade physics shows that CO2's molecular weight makes it very heavy. It can't rise high enough to cause the greenhouse effect.

Yes, there is a greenhouse effect, but it's mostly caused by water vapor! H2O is much lighter than CO2.

3. College freshman statistics will show you that the error rate in temperature samples used is greater than the claimed temperature rise.

4. Glaciers in Greenland have recently been shown to be getting thcker, not thinner. Same with antarctic ice, which is never mentioned by warming alarmists.

5. Stories of polar bears declining are lies, according to our government's own figures.

6. CO2 is plant food! When the earth was young, there was very little free oxygen. It was poisonous to the few life forms here (primitive bacteria and plants). It increased to today's levels partly as exhaust from plants and partly from a few comets "visiting."

7. Clearing of forests happens only where governments own the forest. Private ownership of forests results in cyclical growing and cutting. They don't waste the economic value of their own land! Take a look at the huge forests in Georgia and Florida, owned by Weyerhauser & other lumber companies.

8. Sunspot activity is in a cycle in which it reduces warming radiation from the sun. This is actually causing a cooling cycle.

9. What about recent record cold temperatures and snow storms?

10. Why is it that the big scares always mean big profits for companies connected to governments. E.g. GE owns NBC, which is scaring us. But GE makes big dollars from sales of generators, nuclear, windmills, and solar to governments.

11. Those who want US to completely change our lives are immune. How about Al Gore making his millions - driving his SUVs, owning several energy inefficient HOMES, plura. He tells us to stop using gas, while he is private-jetting around to give big money speeches?

12. We're supposed to forget similar false fears. Many of the same companies made big money off the "ozone layer" scam. Remember that one? It has also proven false. But, the media which scared us about it has remained silent. Instead, they come up with a new scary theory.

13. About 7 years ago, the same government-connected scientists and insiders were trying to scare us with the coming ice age. Remember that?

14. Volcanoes and the ocean are by FAR larger sources of CO2 and other "greenhouse" gases. Many, many, many multiples of the amounts we exhaust.

15. NASA was actually caught faking "warming" data. They simply copied September temperatures and submitted the same figures for October. They then claimed October was the hottest it's been in decades.

If "Global Warming" is true, why fudge figures? I am very skeptical when someone - especially a government insider - is trying to scare me and grab my wallet at the same time.

Fear is used to turn off the logical part of your brain. It makes you an easier "mark."

So, beware of the scare! Don't believe "officials" just because of their title.

Just think for yourself! Please!

kingd said...

The ECMWF picks up the wave behind 93L and develops it. Link

Anonymous said...

Well you still haven't made an explantion to why this is one of the worst heat waves and droughts Texas has been in. And it isn't only Texas that was breaking record high temperatures. Look at all of the Mid-West. What you have posted anonymous regarding global warming is opinion and not based fact.

Anonymous said...

looks like the convection out in front of 93l is starting to wrap around!! islands better watch it

Anonymous said...

it isnt only texas that broke record lows in the winter either

Bob Breck said...

Lots of comments...good stuff. Keep it coming. For those who don't know me, let me repeat. I believe we have been in the current warming CYCLE for the past 30 years. Warming actually started back in the 1600-1700 when the glaciers(Little Ice Age) were more extensive. The debate is what is the DRIVER of the current warming. Climate modelers(who's jobs are tied to more and more research money)are pushing CO2(Man) as the cause while many operational forecasters believe it's more ocean currents and the sun's energy cycle that dictates climate change. What I find interesting is all the doom & gloom predictions back in 1988 haven't happened like they said they would.

Kingd said...

I think u hit the nail on the head bob

Franklin said...

Maybe the doom and gloom is begining? Just look at all the historic events that have a taken place around the world over the last decade.. Katrina, Japan earthquate and many others, the big ole waves killing 10's of thousands etc.. maybe the earth is just starting to warm up and doom and gloom is lurking?