Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Old Man Winter, He Keeps On Rolling...

Just when you thought the higher sun angle should start us warming into Spring, alas, a major buckle in the jet stream will bring the threat of freezing temps even down to the South Shore for Sat-Monday.  Coupled in there will be a strong upper disturbance that could trigger some sleet/snow flurry activity on Saturday.  Right now I'm pretty sure Saturday will stay in the 40s, but if clouds stay thick enough with strong north winds, we might stay in the upper 30s!  Night time lows N-Shore will dip to 25-28 with the S-Shore 30-35.  This weekend, by far, will be the coldest of this Winter season.  Funny that "Meteorological Spring" begins on Friday!  Stay tuned!

Watching how The Weather Channel keeps pushing 'Weather Extremes" like they never happened before and are happening more often now.  FYI...While I was visiting my Mom outside Chicago this past weekend, The Tribune ran a story about the Feb. 26th blizzard of 1967..." there was blinding wind whipped snow with thunder and lightning."    Hummm...no mention of "thundersnow" back then.  As a young kid I remember thundersnow happening almost every Winter.   The difference?   We didn't have instant media documentation back then.   Geez,  now every snowstorm, hail storm, tornado outbreak is a sign of AGW.  My take?  If you're under 50 you weren't alive during the 50s,60s, & 70s.  We had weather extremes back then too.   The media just didn't over hype every storm back then.  And I do remember the picture of the submarine back in 1959 surfacing in the Arctic Ocean because the ice had melted !

1 comment:

Bourbon St. Blues said...

I have seen that picture of the submarine surfacing in the Arctic Ocean...yet no one claimed it was Global warming.

Having read your posts over the winter, then what has happened tis winter, it seems that most of the cold this year has stayed to our North and East...I dont think we have even seen temps below 30 this winter yet. I will admit its been a wet winter and IF just a tad colder we could have had several outbreaks of snow....

Looking forward to this weekends cold, I know warmer weather is on its way...