Saturday, April 16, 2016

Good Bye Old Friend...

Part of living longer is enjoying the rewards of retirement where you can have nothing to do and all day to do it.  However, one of the downsides is saying goodbye to your friends as we journey to the next life.   My first fishing partner Capt. Luke lost his wife of 66 years on Friday.  Miss Marie was 84 years old and struggled with life for the past few years.  Still it’s difficult to say goodbye as I well know. Captain Luke is in my prayers.   Tonight I’m saddened again to learn of the death of Dr. Bill Gray at age 86.  I first met Dr. Bill at a hurricane conference back in the early 80s where he showed there was a link connecting hurricane activity to ocean cycles.  Long before the Global Warming Alarmists, Dr. Gray predicted there would be a shift to a more active hurricane CYCLE.  That proved accurate as the 90s & 00s saw an uptick in hurricane activity similar to the active 40s & 50s.   Dr. Gray was not an polished speaker.  In fact, he was a stutterer who at times was difficult to follow.  However, he improved his speaking skill each year and became one of the most sought after interviews at the National Hurricane Conference.   The Global Warming Crew tried to silence his views on the CO2 theory by getting his government grants reduced, but that didn’t stop Dr. Gray.  Year after year he would speak in great detail why hurricane activity was the result of ocean CYCLES and not man made warming.  He was a pioneer in forecasting hurricane activity.  I am so fortunate to have known him and learned from him.  Hail Dr. Bill Gray!


I looked back to see that the past 6 weeks have been quite rainy…almost double the “normal” rainfall.  What bothers me is the lack of sunshine.   Seems day after day starts cloudy & dismal.   When the sun is out, I get energy.  When it’s cloudy, I’m in the dumper.    Hopefully we’ll see more sunny breaks this coming week as April is supposed to be one of our drier months.   Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

Tracey T. said...

Glad you are enjoying your retirement!