Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Morning Storms Leave, Drier Air Coming...

Of course the big news was this morning's heavy T-Storms that dropped 2-4" + totals in less than 2 hours.   MSY (Kenner airport) reported 2.75", Metairie (My house) 2.41", NEW (Lakefront Airport) 3.20", Downtown Heliport 2.86". 
We all realize these totals will TEMPORARY overwhelm our pumping capacity and we understand some streets will flood.  However, While watching the FOX 8 noon news, they had several reporters still showing flooded streets & yards in Orleans Parish 2-3 hours AFTER the rains ended.  That should NOT happen.  Jefferson was able to handle the rains without any major issues.  Why is it that Orleans Parish cannot?   Humm?

We do have an unusually strong (for June) cool front that will sweep away the humidity (high dew points) for the next 2-3 days.   You'll notice a different (better) feel to the air with the nights dropping to 60-65 on the North Shore and 65-70 south.  The bottom graphic has our 72 dew point with DPs in the 40s & 50s back in Texas.  We'll have several days with plenty of sunshine and no rain before the muggies return on the weekend.

After Cristobal, the Tropics have gone quiet with a small swirl of upper clouds well east of Bermuda and an even smaller swirl approaching Barbados.   Focus you attention off the African coast.

That is African Dust and, in the past, it has stabilized the air coming off the coast preventing any tropical activity from happening.   This is typical for this time of the year.  What I'll be watching for is how long will the dust persist?  Hopefully well into August & September because, right now. all the experts believe this is going to continue to be a very active hurricane season.  I'll take a quiet rest of June and then hope the MJO goes into the unfavorable (sinking air) phase.  Enjoy the next couple of days as we won't see these lower dew points until late September.   Stay tuned!

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