Thursday, August 20, 2020

Nope...Still Just TDs...

I wish I could tell you there's been some big breaking news regarding our 2 tropical disturbances, but I can't.  Oh there are several minor changes, like now NHC is making BOTH Hurricane Strength in the Gulf sometime early to mid next week, plus there have been minor tweaks to the forecast tracks. Let's begin with the satellite views.

The middle pic is TD 13 with the bottom one being TD 14.   To me, TD 14 looks to be the better organized, however, TD 13 has seen a burst of storms this evening.  My guess is TD 14 will become Laura with TD 13 being named Marco.  The tracks have shifted slightly. 

TD 13's center line is now just east of Florida with the cone of error extending almost to the mouth of the River.  Any further shift to the west would get us into the cone.  That's something to watch.

TD 14's track continues to head toward the upper Texas coast.  That would place us on the "wet side" of that storm.  My problem with all of this is we still have 2 very weak systems and past experience indicates very low accuracy in model performance at 5 days out.   Before we "get nervous", let's see if either of these systems get stronger during the next 24-48 hours.  As I previously posted, you should use the next 2-3 days to purchase all your supplies on your hurricane check list and not wait until stores are swamped if either storm gets close enough to cause us major impacts.  

Finally, the smoke over the west from all the wild fires is impressive.  The top photo shows California now that the clouds have cleared with storms obscuring the view over Colorado.  I circled the area &  how wide the smoke plume covers.  The arrows highlight the biggest fires in California while the bottom shows the textured clouds/storms over Colorado with the smoke plume out to the east.   My heart goes out to those who have to flee from these fires.  They often get little advance notice.  At least for hurricanes, we have days to prepare  and/or decide to flee.  Perhaps it's our Creator reminding us who really is in charge.  Stay tuned!

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