Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Coldest Morning Since May...

I was watching FOX 8 this morning when Zack Fradella had a graphic that said today's low of 56 was the coldest since last May 11th, nearly 5 months ago.  Indeed it has been a long, hot Summer which is typical for us.  I think it makes us appreciate these comfy cool mornings and pleasantly warm afternoon more than folks who don't have to endure 4-5 months of heat.

Satellite views show how the clouds and moisture have been swept way down into the Gulf with another front on the way.  As you can see by the 90 in Dallas, summer-like heat is not over and tomorrow we should climb back into the low to mid 80s ahead of the next front coming on Friday.  It will still feel very nice tomorrow as dew points are in the 40s down to the coast.

During the next 5-7 days, all of the northern Gulf will be protected from any tropical threat by a blocking surface high.  However, several models are hinting that there could be a tropical depression/storm form later next week north of the Yucatan.  Climatology tell us whatever forms SHOULD move towards Florida and stay far enough to our south.  The Lady is scheduled to sing tomorrow night, but I will wait to see what tomorrow's models do with the Caribbean system.  We all are ready to turn out the lights!

 Finally, California is not the only state burning.  Look at the smoke plumes coming from the Colorado fires.  The West needs their rainy season to begin!  Stay tuned!

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