Friday, October 9, 2020

Delta Is No Laura...

Latest data from Recon aircraft indicates Delta's pressure is rising and winds are decreasing.   This is far different from what happened when Laura approached the coast back in late August.

Laura had a well defined large eye with her winds increasing at landfall.  Contrast that to Delta which is still well organized on satellite and radar, but it is no Laura.

Delta's eye wall will reach the coast before dark with landfall somewhere between 8-10 PM.  The surge with Laura was 15-18' east of the center.  Delta's surge will be way less.

The National Hurricane Center's track has not varied once their computer's latched on to a real center down in the NW Caribbean.   Initially we were the bullseye, but once the westward shift was made, it really hasn't changed.  Kudos to NHC as no one can say they were surprised by Hurricane Delta, a well forecasted & advertised storm.

Delta will likely weaken to less than 100 mph at landfall, but it is soaking SW Louisiana.  We probably won't see much during the day with better rain chances here after dark into early Saturday morning.  Our weekend really should be nice with sunshine returning and temps. summer like.

A cold front is trying to form over the northern plains.  It won't reach us until sometime next week.  Until then we are in the tropical airmass brought by Delta.  Dew points are back into the 70s making it feel uncomfortable outside.  Oh to have the dry air back!  NHC is talking about a system way out in the Atlantic.  If you're interested, go to their website.   I'm not.  Next post after 4 PM.  Stay tuned!


browndanielusn said...
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browndanielusn said...

Thanks Bob, you're still the only meteorologist that I trust!

JonL504 said...

Bob - just wanted to thank you again for the time that you take to pull all of this info together and for your insight. During hurricane season, I always turn to your blog -- I truly miss the days when you, Nash Roberts and others would give your perspective on what you think will/would actually happen rather than just spouting off the NHC information verbatim (as seems to be the trend on local television these days). Again - thank you for taking the time to share some of your insight!

And normally wouldn't feel the need to comment, but after seeing all of the troll comments, just wanted to add my $0.02. Please keep it up! Thank you once again!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Delta headed due north. Landfall west of Lake Charles?

Cindy said...

Seriously why? He said the odds of a hurricane let alone a major Hurricane in October were super low to not going to happen. Remember his famous words over a week ago .. the Fat Lady sang.

Cindy said...

Confused is this the same person that basically said hurricanes done for us this season then bashed others when they mentioned Delta forming and becoming a major hurricane.. yes please keep it up .. good stuff.

Anonymous said...

There’s our Bob we all know and love.. 6!hours from landfall he gives his landfall prediction. What happened to Texas just the other day?

Linda said...

I too thank you for all you do Bob. I rely on you and trust you. I am also tired of all the trolls who think they are so clever and wish they would stop. Again, thanks so much! As far as the "fat lady", well she sang but didn't leave the building. Happens!

Colin said...

Getting to check in on your blog has been so helpful this hurricane season. I've felt so much more informed and less anxious even with so many storms and I know it's been the same for everyone I recommended it to. Just wanted to say thank you

Angella said...

Laura will likely weaken to less than 100 mph at landfall, but it is soaking SW Louisiana.

I think he meant Delta

Unknown said...

Thank you Bob for all you have done and still do to help us understand whats going on with the weather.
For all the trolls,Bob doesnt have to do this but I for one appreciate the fact that he still takes the time to keep us informed.
Thanks Bob!
Debbie in Mississippi

too said...

Thank you Bob for still keeping us informed even after retirement

Anonymous said...

That's what I say

Gen said...

Cindy, I’m confused as to why you visit and comment on his page if you don’t trust him. Why waste your time?

JZ said...

Cindy... please get a life.. this is this mans personal blog.. kindly fuck off! You’re disgusting!

Karen said...

Bob, you are the absolute best ! Thank you so much for your calm presence and spot on forecasts. You have a great sense of humor also :)

Karen from Metairie

Alphonse P. said...

Bob, Thanks for everything you do. i print out your blog for my Bucktown friends who are not so proficient on a computer and it brings them a sense of calm to know you are working so hard in retirement to keep us informed.
Take a couple days off. You deserve it.

Alphonse Pecouncé
Bucktown, USA

Anonymous said...

What did this “Cindy” person do besides tell it like it is?

Anonymous said...

Spot on? You can’t be serious...

Unknown said...

Thank you Bob! Love your blog. THE only one I trust.

Webmaster said...

Good catch. It has been corrected.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob. I suggest you disable comments for a while. I really appreciate your blog as do many others. But we can do without nasty the trolls. Just my opinion.

MacGuffin said...

JZ, learn to deal with criticism. It isn't even aimed at you. she didn't insult the man. Just criticized his forecasting. T
people almost worship Bob is a bit disturbing. I like to read his insights. Sometimes he will discuss possibilities most aren't. I don't hate the guy or think he's completely useless as a meteorologist. Though, there are things like the forecast of this recent storm and his climate change denial that don't reflect well on his takes.

None of you have any more of a life than we do. You put the same amount of work into borwn nosing as we do into constructive criticism. I just want the guy to take his ego down a few notches.

MacGuffin said...

Most aren't being nasty. Criticizing his forecasting is not trolling. Trolling is not someone disagreeing with you or correcting you.

Sure, people calling him names should be deleted. I don't think personal insults are called for. But I've seen more of that from people sucking up to him.

MacGuffin said...

Bob can never be wrong according to the cult.

Unknown said...

Hey Bob, I've watched you since you started this trek in N.O. and we all learned to trust your word on our storms. I still remember your words with Katrina. "Gang this doesn't look good". But I have come to realize something that now I believe the reason the hurricane center has gotten pretty good at what they do now is because you have taught them well. I believe all those times you would go spend a week at a time you were teaching them how to read the data on these storms, the pressures, sea temps, buoy wave heights, etc. YOU WERE THAT GOOD. Thank you for spending your life always watching over us. Allen Gelpi

Anonymous said...

Dude you’re joking right? Now suddenly the NHC is only good because Bob taught them? LOL yeah sure. Bob would literally be lost in their office and their technology they use. The ole might Bob had just a week ago basically called it over for hurricane threats to us.