Saturday, June 10, 2023

Blocking Pattern Beginning To Weaken

The Omega Block, that has been nearly stationary for over a week, is starting to break down.  The strong upper low over the Northeast, that brought down all the Canadian smoke, has become elongated more west to east.  That change in wind flow has eased air quality over more of the eastern states, but not before we saw a smoky, hazy start to our day.  Hannah Gard showed the Superdome view this morning and she pointed out the smoke layer over downtown.  I grabbed an early satellite view.

On the second view, I hatched in the smoke areas.

Another upper low is moving into the West coast with a weak ridge across Texas.  Under the ridge is where the extreme heat is. I don't see that upper ridge building over us until late next weekend with the following week (June 17-24) being the real heat wave week.  We should stay on the eastern side of the ridge this coming week, which should give us some daily T-Storm cooling relief.

Under the upper low/trough are lots of clouds that have really made most of the country below normal/average, especially across the northern states and New England.

Where it's raining, temps drop into the 70s.  Get no rain?  You bake at 92-95.

As our daily highs top 90+, the T-Storms that do develop usually are strong with lots of electrical (lightning) activity.  I'm not even going to show you what the GFS does with the tropical disturbance for next weekend.  Way too soon to even put any faith into what that model has been saying for 3 days since each day they completely flip flop where it will go.  Stay tuned!

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