Friday, June 2, 2023

TD 2 Becomes Season's First Tropical Storm...

Based on data from the Hurricane Hunter's aircraft, NHC upgraded TD 2 to Tropical Storm Arlene.  She is not likely to survive the day & doesn't look as impressive on satellite views as last weekend's disturbance off the Carolinas.  In addition, she is unlikely to ever threaten any land areas & some might consider her a "wasted name".  Hard to disagree with the data from the Recon plane, so I believe NHC is making the correct call on the upgrade.

Clearly on the visible (daylight) view, Arlene's center is exposed (yellow arrow) with all T-Storms blown off to the northeast.  That is because there is a "hostile environment" across the Gulf with an unusually deep upper trough for early June.

If you look at the temperatures, you can see where the upper troughs are located.  As the Gulf trough shifts farther to the east, stronger NNW upper winds will drive what remains of Arlene farther to the south away from the northern Gulf coast.

About the only impact to us is higher seas well off the coast, and those will come down over the weekend.

There really is not much happening anywhere around us.  Any day we have dew points below 70 is a plus once we enter June.

The North Shore does have more clouds, and that will be where we could see a stray shower.  Rain chances will slowly increase as we head into next week getting back to typical summertime.

Finally, back in early April I decided to try growing another tomato plant (Bubba, JR.).  And in two months has it grown!  Check out these pictures.

Just to add some perspective, I took a selfie with it.  I used to be 5'4" so Bubba, JR, has passed me.  It's loaded with fruit.

Can't wait to pick that first red tomato and use it with my grilled cheese sandwich.  Yummy!  Enjoy our mostly dry weekend knowing Arlene is not our problem.  Stay tuned!

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