Sunday, July 30, 2023

All Hail Tarpon Rodeo, Hail Grand Isle Strong...

When I left for Grand Isle, everyone was talking about how hot it is or NHC trying to get something to develop so they weren't bored.  4 days later and we're still hot (Duh!) and NHC is still following 2 areas for development.  However, I begin with The International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo.  My first impression on getting to the island was the number of camps/homes that have been rebuilt higher/stronger & prettier.  However, far to many have been left to rot and are eyesores that Grand Isle doesn't deserve.  The beach is wider and the sand whiter.  It's not Gulf Shores or Destin, but what an improvement since the BP spill.

In fact, the beach has grown that it looks like a mini-Daytona with all the ATVs.

The rock jetties have rebuilt the beach to the extent you can walk out to them at low tide.  It's shameful that the burrito levee is still exposed in places 2 years after Hurricane Ida.  But progress, though painfully slow, continues each day.  As for the Tarpon what a weekend weather-wise!  No storms, little wind, slick Gulf resulted in many big fish brought to the weigh station.  I was honored to be the MC for the awards ceremony for the 38th time.  The pavilion on Saturday night was packed for the trophies and the $10,000 cash prize that went to Wayne Stabiler.  For the first time ever, the largest Tarpon (168+ lbs) went to a woman, Jessica Landry. Congrats!

Special thanks to the Otto Candies family and to Captain Pat Belanger who put my partner, Dr. Rob Muller on to the first redfish weighed in on opening day.  The 22 pounder didn't last in first place very long as the winner weighed in at 36+ lbs .  All in all a great weekend to be on Grand Isle.

This spectacular photo was captured by artist Sabrina Schmidt, who painted this year's Rodeo poster.  

NHC has highlighted two areas to watch.   There is an upper low just north of Cuba, but the other 2 Ls are surface rotations.  We could have Emily & Franklin back to back this week, or perhaps both won't develop?

The upper heat dome continues for us, but not for the folks up north.

Most of the T-Storms are far north and east, but a few are firing off during daytime heating.  Without the rain, we bake.

Before you freak out, we are historically in the hottest 3 weeks of summer.  It's not so much our daytime highs have never been so hot, but rather the night time lows are staying above 80.  That keeps us on track for having a top 5 hottest July.   Stay cool & Stay tuned!

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