Tuesday, July 25, 2023

NHC Won't Give Up Trying...

As we head towards the heart of the Hurricane Season (August-Oct. 10), tropical activity historically increases with a peak around the 10th of September.  NHC has been highlighting areas for possible develop this week, but nothing has happened.  Today (based on computer model runs) they added yet a third area way out in the Atlantic.

Let's begin with the newest area off the African coast.  Yeah, there is a cluster of clouds, but nothing that indicates rotation.  But (as Lee Zurik often says) there's more!   Take a look at model forecasts for late next week.

The GFS develops this disturbance into a hurricane that will threaten the Bahamas & East coast.  However, the GFS model has done this several times before this summer & nothing happened.  It's something to watch for the next 10 days, but right now IF something forms, it turns up the east coast.  Closer to home...

Invest 95 L has done nothing as it moves into the eastern Caribbean where upper wind shear is king.  The other upper low east of the Bahamas also has not developed.  NHC lowered chances down to 10%.

The old boundary down in the Gulf has become less defined.  Like most of this summer, it is rare that no showers/storms are around from Houston through the Florida beaches.  Why?

For much of this summer, the nation has ben dominated by an upper heat dome that waddles back & forth across the southern states.  We have stayed on the eastern side with that frontal boundary sagging into the Gulf.  The result has been lower dew points/humidity.  It's still hot, but it doesn't feel as hot!  yeah right!

Without our daily clouds & storms, look for the next 7 days to be way too hot.  Gardeners will need to keep watering as Mother Nature won't help out.  The good news is it looks like great fishing weather for the International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo that begins at daybreak on Thursday.   It's not too late to register for an opportunity to win the Grand Prize of $10,000!

Just go to www.tarponrodeo.org and click on "home" then register.    You don't have to fish to win or even come down to the island.  Just register for $55 and I could be calling your name Saturday night as the winner of $10,000.   

Finally, I've been talking about an "agenda"  the warming alarmists are pushing.  The top two graphics are from last night's World news Tonight.  The top one shows warm to hot temperatures, but that's what is supposed to happen at this time of the year.   93 in Chicago is NOT extreme.  Dallas at 103?  Remember the summer Dallas had 42 days in a row above 100?  This summer is not close, but that's not what the Alarmists want you to hear.

Even NOAA's charts are misleading.  The top graphic show "Temperature outlook" when in reality it's the PROBABILITY of being above normal/average.  IF you just buy into the top graphic, you'd say we're in a climate crisis.  It's an agenda Gang.    Stay tuned!

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