Sunday, January 19, 2020

Moving Plants Inside for 3 Days...

All my potted plants have been doing great with our recent mild weather.  However, the current cool down tells me it's time to bring them inside my backyard shed for protection for the next 3 nights.  There will be a freeze (24-28) across the North Shore and the South Shore should stay 35-40, especially nearer Lake P.    However, winds are expected to remain brisk and my tropicals tend to wilt/dehydrate  temps get below 40.  So for precaution, I've moved them into my "He Shed"!

You can see Canada is not as cold as the past week, but some of that chill has plunged into the southern states.   We will see a big warm up (65-70) late this week, but the next 3 days will be a lot colder than we've been used to.  In fact, Monday and Tuesday will struggle to get out of the 40s despite sunshine.

I love to point out features on Satellite pictures.  Note the white over Kansas, Nebraska & Iowa.  That's snow on the ground as a tighter view reveals the rivers showing up.
Finally, check out how far out into the Atlantic the cold air has pushed.  The long line of white is the front, while the cold air clouds are the little dots behind the front.
Enjoy the sunshine the next 3 days.  Just be dressed for the chill.  It is January after all and it's SUPPOSED to be cold at this time of the year.   As long as we don't get the pipe busting cold, we can handle this.  Stay tuned!

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