Friday, September 21, 2007

TD #10 Making landfall

It's all good news for us this afternoon. Radar loops at 4:30 pm show the center of TD #10 is making landfall near Destin, Fl. The current NHC forecast track doesn't bring it ashore until after midnight near Gulf Shores. The farther to our east it goes, the less impacts (If any) we'll see from this system. Right now the NWS has us under Trop. Storm & inland Wind warnings thru Sat. evening. Sure looks to me like they will cancel those later this evening. Unless this circulation makes a radical turn to the west, our weather here on Saturday will not be so bad for the last full day of summer.

Of some concern, more so at the Weather Channel than at NHC, is an area of T-Storms over the western Caribbean. Computer models bring this system across the Yucatan and into the southern Gulf developing it into a Storm by next Tues-Wed. Again, I don't speculate on something that hasn't formed yet. NHC reminds us that pressures are not falling so hopefully the models are out to lunch. Next update later tonight. Let's relax and enjoy another great weekend with only a few storms around...typical summertime. Bob

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Thanks for your expert opinions. I know they are based on facts and your gut, both of which are important to me. I'll go with the local guy any day of the week. Keep up the good work and keep blogging.:) Cheryl