Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ready for Sweaters & Jackets ?

What a marvelous weekend it has been with one more day of pleasantly warm temperatures before the coldest air of the season arrives on Tuesday. Both Wednesday & Thursday mornings will see temperatures in the 40s on the Southshore (some 30s north) with highs struggling to get out of the 60s. Brisk North winds will make it feel colder requiring jackets & sweaters. An even stronger front arrives the following week.

Since the hurricane season is long over for us, we will have a little fun with a sports poll. Can the Saints end up with a winning season? Obviously, if they keep playing like they have the past 4 weeks, that's a no brainer. But what do you think? Go vote now.


Karen said...

Bob, What coverage do you have of the floods n Mexico?

Bob Breck said...

The only news regarding the flooding in Mexico is what I see & read from CNN & FOX News., Weatherunderground & unysis are several good web sites to visit. Also try a google or yahoo search.

Karen said...

Thanks.Please find a way to mention it in your broadcast. Mexico was very generous to New Orleans during our time of crisis.