Monday, February 11, 2008

Winter Not Done Yet...

Don't let the warm days of this past weekend fool you. We are still in the coldest time of the fact, the coldest records at Audubon Park are Tuesday & Wednesday when the lows dipped to 9 & 7 degrees back in 1899. We should not see any real freezes this week, but several fronts will pack a wallop. There will be some strong storms Tuesday PM with heavy coat weather back on Wednesday. A warm up happens ahead of another front that arrives on Saturday. That front may have lots of rain with it and colder air returning for Sunday morning. Still, unless there is a real dip in the jet stream, the core of the cold will stay to our north. As Mr. T might say..." pity the fool who lives in Chicago ( substitute any city north of St. Louis-Cincinnati- D.C.) at this time of the year !"


Caveman said...

Those low record temps occured nearly 109 years ago and have yet to be broken, could that have anything to do with global warming?

Bob Breck said...

Really can't get caught up in these "short term" records since one of the colder times on this planet happened back in the 1600-1700s. Our local records only go back to the 1890s. Not enen a sentence of a paragraph in the climate record.

Caveman said...

Since there are no longer any woolley mammoths roaming North America should put and end to the global warming debate.

Editor B said...

When I lived in the Great White North February was the darkest, most dreaded month. Now it's one of my favorites.

weatherman said...

Hopefully, spring is just around the corner and there is only a couple of weeks to go.