Thursday, April 3, 2008

National Hurricane Conference

I have been in Orlando this week participating on several panels, listening to many presentations and seeing new products regarding Hurricane mitigation. Unfortunately , no other New Orleans TV station is here. Just like the global warming issue, I try to educate myself on all sides of the problems hurricanes create. I want to speak on good authority when a crisis threatens us.

So too with the global warming issue. If you believe man is causing it, prove it. You can't just say it's CO2 since that makes up less than 2% (by volume) of the global warming gases. Add in methane and you're barely up to 3%. No, if you do some homework, you'll understand that the planet's climate is far more complex. I too want to protect our planet...however, the changes proposed by some will adversely affect our economy, especially those poor least able to afford it. Stupid may have been too strong a word...ill advised or un-informed would have been better. I'm back on-air on Monday with more about the hurricane conference.


Caveman said...

Sure the gases in the air are very small but the point being made by the scientific community is that during the past 30 yrs or so the amounts have increased drastically and directly related to the earths growing pop.

El Rubio said...

So let me see if I understand what you are saying. The increased levels of CO2 and other trace greenhouse gases account for the slight warming over the last 1/2 of the 20th century right? What is accounting for the recent cooling trend?

Did you know that 97% of all of the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere annually is caused by natural phenomena? 3% is caused by human activity. You must then be saying that man's 3% contribution to total CO2 levels in the atmosphere is what is causing the warming. Can you show me one (real) scientific study that proves that higher global temperatures follow higher CO2 levels?

Oh wait, I know your answer to that already - "Bob can't predict where hurricanes go so man-made global warming is real"