Monday, September 20, 2010

TD 14 Forms...Soon Lisa ?

Yea, just from satellite loops tonight, it appears Lisa will be named by daybreak. It is so far out in the Atlantic that only the shipping interests need to worry about it. There is a tropical wave moving thru the eastern Caribbean and several models keep trying to develop something later this week. At the moment we remain protected by an upper high that is creating northerly winds over most of the Gulf. That would keep any system away from us.

In the short term. no signs of relief from our near record heat are coming soon. You might get lucky and see a stray shower during the afternoon to cool you off but Tuesday should be day 16 of 90+ heat. Maybe a weak front by the 2nd half of the weekend?


Caveman said...

Global Warming! Not man made but taking place.

Paul Amedee said...

Ha! You wish.

Nashette said...

Well, we'll see about global warming when they are predicting snow this winter here in New Orleans! Wouldn't that be something?

Paul Amedee said...

There is no global warming.

What is the difference between now and 30 years ago?
Could the weather really be different between now and 30 years ago? No. The weather has been around on Earth long before man ever was. Bad weather events have been around long before man ever was.

The difference is information. Now we have access to information. A few days ago Bob was describing how 30 years ago, they had one pass of a satellite per day to monitor hurricanes. Today, there are countless satellites that sit over different parts of the Earth and collect data 24/7. And we have computers now that process this data 24/7. And we have the internet which allows information to travel across the globe in seconds. That is what is different, not the weather.

Pompo said...

Al Gore didn't invent the Internet, but HE DID INVENT global warming, wonder what the carbon footprint of his mansion, private plane etc is

Caveman said...

True the difference is the information, the information we didn't have 30 years ago like you mentioned. 30 years ago as you said satellites (or at least the ones available to the public) only took a few pics, and if you compare those pics from 30 years ago of glaciers the evidence is dramatic showing that most glaciers world wide are recending at increasing rates. Yeah yeah there are a small percentage of glaciers not recending and even smaller percentage actually growing very slightly. Rising sea-levels also support melting glaciers, ice caps and so forth. The "information" doesn't show most of the world's glaciers growing or sea-levels dropping does it?

And as far as snowing in New Orleans, well usually the chance does exist during WINTER! and records show snow in New Orleans is nothing new. Snow doesn't mean it's getting colder and colder every year, just the timing of cold air and moisture are just right.

Hey Bob even mentions record breaking temps!

Paul Amedee said...

Satellites may show glaciers decreasing but it is just an assumption that temperature is the cause of it.

There are many things that can cause the glaciers to decrease. It could be water temperatures at different depths. (This may not necessarily be related to surface temps). It could be the salinity or ph of the ocean water. It could be changes in currents.

To assume this is caused by the average surface temperature is erroneous.

Caveman said...

Saying ph, salinty or ocean currents could cause glaciers to melt is making an assumption. Glaciers are formed by accumulation of snow from the prior seasons snowfall which over years builds a glacier, when surface tempatures are rising the prior years snowfall does not accumulate. So saying rising surface tempatures are melting glaciers is not an asumption but a fact. And you will also find where glaciers that are located in oceans the deeper the water the colder it gets not warmer which pretty much applies worldwide.

Caveman said...

Oh yeah, and if changes to salinity and warmer ocean temps beneath the surface is the cause for so many glaciers that have been around for hundreds to thousands of years then this would just further back up global warming. Salinity would only change if more fresh water is introduced to the ocean (melting glacier) and warmer temps below sea suface further supports that the world's oceans are getting warmer.

Bob Breck said...

Geez Gang, give GW a rest. We're still in the heart of Hurricane Season and several models continue to develop the wave in the eastern Caribbean. That should be our focus, or perhaps the cool front coming on Sunday?

Caveman said...

Invest 95 looks to be headed towards the Gulf. Bob likes my landfall predicitons so I'll say Houston!

Bourbon St. Blues said...

Ah Now Bob if you are going to throw in a cool front for Sunday, let also mention it with another Saints Victory!!

After last nights coronary game, the Saints need to take it to the shed and get the offense back on track with the Falcons...

Paul Amedee said...


Temperatures is just as much assumption as anything else. There are no facts that you have presented that prove anything.

Look, I'm a reasonable guy. I would say it probably would be due to temperature. That would be my guess. But this is not a fact, it is my opinion.

Caveman said...

Tempature change melts ice is just an assumption???????? ok

So you are saying that glaciers are not formed by accumulations of snow, water temps get colder as you go deeper in the oceans, salinity changes due to increase in fresh water to salt water, or that the satellite pics of before and after of glaciers showing they have recended greatly are not facts? Your joking right...

Paul Amedee said...

No Caveman,

What you stated in your last post are facts. Sure, heat melts ice. Glaciers are formed from snow. Satellites show the glaciers are getting smaller. That's true and undisputed. It becomes opinion when you then jump to the conclusion that "global warming" is causing the glaciers to melt. My point is, it's a little bit more complicated than that.

Caveman said...

If they are not melting due to the earth warming then please give another reason why, not an assumption but a concrete reason why. You are disputing that global warming is not the cause yet you can't provide any other cause. Give me a link to any scientist or anyone for that matter that states the cause is a change in the salinity, ph or warmer water temps below the sea-surface(you should find that one because that is global warming!) You are debating this issue but providing nothing to prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is real. Climate change happens and has happened. A record of sea levels dropping and rising in the rocks proves that. The earth is warming up now. The debate is whether it's man made or not, not the actual reality of it happening. And a cool front on Sunday sounds spectacular.

Caveman said...

Never said it was man made... But you can argue man is not helping matters.... When air samples are pulled from glaciers miles down from hundred years ago to samples today the CO2 levels are higher today than then. hmmmmm

And the RATE of warming is increasing much more than hundreds of years ago... this is proven from trees! reading the rings...

Paul Amedee said...

I'm not doing anything you're not doing Caveman. You have provided no facts either.

Caveman said...

No facts? Do I really need to post links showing pics of glaciers that are recending? You lost the debate. Sorry.

Paul Amedee said...

No I don't want to see links to pics showing the glaciers getting smaller. How about proof that says the reason glaciers are getting smaller is due to Global Warming.

And don't show the proof from these college professors who were caught lying last year for political reasons. Their proof is b.s.

Caveman said...

Recending glaciers are extremely well documented, and no serious person questions that they demonstrate long term warming of climate.

Sorry as mentioned before you lost this debate until you show any evidence showing why glaciers are recending other than tempature change.

I can't help it if you don't understand the factual evidence.

Paul Amedee said...

You haven't provided any facts at all!

This is your argument:
Glaciers are melting and that proves Global Warming exists and is the cause.

And that's it! You have provided no facts. All you have provided is opinion.
Do you have 1 piece of fact that says "Glaciers are melting due to global warming" and "Global warming exists"?

And if you provide the fact, don't pull facts from these college professors who lie because they have a political agenda. Their opinion is worthless.

Caveman said...

Why do I feel like I'm teaching pre-school?

Paul Amedee said...

You are now resorting to personal attacks and say I lost the debate?

We can agree to disagree but there's no need to make it personal. It's not personal for me.

Caveman said...

Give me some names of these college prof that you claim lie for political reasons.