Sunday, January 9, 2011

Missed the Snow, Freezes Coming...

It was an ugly Sunday with cold temps, strong winds and stinging could have been worse if the air were colder. Fortunately temps stayed in the 40s and the frozen precip was confined to north LA. & central MS. The upcoming week will see temps. way below normal as highs will struggle to get out of the 40s and nights will dip below freezing even on the south shore. The coldest nights will be Tues, Wed. & Thurs. with the Northshore 20-25 and 28-32 Southshore. A brief warm up begins Friday PM into Saturday before another cold blast (maybe even colder) arrives for the following week. Keep the cold weather gear handy as Ol' Man Winter is on a roll and he's likely to keep rolling for the rest of this month.

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