Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Harvey Heads Farther Inland...

Like many of you, I’m really sick of all the daily clouds & rain.  I know it’s worse to our west, but I’m ready to get back to seeing the sun & having no rain.   At midday, Harvey’s center is now moving to the NNE at 8 and should continue to accelerate away from us.  Some brief squalls still rotate around it over SE LA/MS but most of us should see less than an inch of additional rainfall this afternoon, except farther to our north where a tornado watch is in effect.  The strong south winds will pile up water in areas outside the levee protection system  with NWS indicating tides 1-2” above normal.  As Harvey moves farther away, winds should decrease by this evening allowing for the tides to go down.  It appears we’ll have several mostly dry days before more tropical moisture returns by Monday.  Several computer models are again hinting that something might develop over the western Gulf by Tuesday, which is not what we need right now.   Too soon to get nervous, but something we’ll need to pay attention to.


Way out in the Atlantic, Tropical Storm Irma is developing and should become our next hurricane.   We’ll have many days to follow her path, which, RIGHT NOW,  should keep her out of the Gulf.


It didn’t take a rocket scientist to predict that the AGW Alarmists would try to connect Harvey to Global Warming/Climate Change.  Stories are everywhere from the same alarmists that the media seems to love.  What you don’t see are many stories from the “deniers”.  They are out there but you have to search for them.  The best I found was from Dr. Roy Spenser who said that if Harvey had kept moving like most hurricanes, the main story would have been his Cat. 4 winds.  The unprecedented rainfall around Houston would have been spread out over many states.  It would have been the same amount of rainfall, but not confined to one area.  What produced the crazy totals?  The storm stalling and moving slowly for several days.  Looking at past climatology, you’ll find 5-6 storms have done the same thing over Texas.  Was it climate change back then?  Of course not.    Climate Change doesn’t cause a storm to stall.  Man did make the rainfall worse by urbanization, covering up water absorbing grasslands with buildings & parking lots which greatly increased runoff.  Sure man has a foot print in warming the Planet, but it’s not because of CO2.  Reducing CO2 (by raising taxes) will not stop the Earth from warming or cooling.  That is not the driver.   Better understanding of the influences from the sun and the small changes in our orbit around it will provide answers to our ever changing, always changing climate.  Stay tuned!

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