Tuesday, July 17, 2018

California Here We Go Again...

A couple of times each week I receive news from the AMS, mainly story after story about climate change.  The one yesterday really made me chuckle.  “Climate change is making it harder for couples to conceive”.   Seriously?  Someone has gotten a government grant to study this?   From the University of California (it figures!) environmental economist (what is that?) Alan Barreca says…”if you look 9 months after a heat wave in August, the following May sees significant fewer births”.   Duh!  And this is what the NSF is funding?   Amazing!


We remain on the eastern edge of a ring of fire rotating around an upper high centered tonight over Texas.   There are several clusters of storms in the pipeline, one in Arkansas with another back into Oklahoma/Kansas that will rotate down to us during the next 2 days.   The core of the heat will stay in Texas where highs will easily top 100+.   Models are hinting the upper high will try to build back over us for Saturday and Sunday but I am not as bullish as the guidance suggests our highs may reach the mid to upper 90s.   Models also are forecasting a deep east coast trough and that could keep the core of the heat just to our west.  Regardless, it’s July and highs are SUPPOSED TO BE 90-95 each day.   It’s not like we’re Chicago where 95-98 means heat related deaths.   We’re more acclimated to the heat since it’s been around since late May.   What this Upper high centered over Texas does is it keeps a northern flow across the Gulf Coast.  That keeps us protected from any tropical threats.  Current computer models show zero development during the next 7-10 days which gets us into August.   Stay tuned!

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