Thursday, January 9, 2020

Weather App Saves Lives...

When I began my TV career in Feb. 1971 at Ch. 13 in Tampa, we were the best equipped TV station in the country and one of the few who had our own live black & white radar.  If a tornado warning was issued by the local NWS office, we received it via a 100 words per minute teletype.  You had to rip the paper, alert Master Control by an intercom system that you needed to go live, and then quickly run to the studio and find the local plexiglass covered paper map where you would hand draw the warning area.  Gathering the floor crew to man the TV camera, finding a director and audio man so you could go live all took time.   IF you were lucky, you might broadcast the warning 10-15 minutes after you received it.  Many times it took longer.   But we were only one TV station that didn't reach all the population.  That's why back then, folks would say after a tornado hit..." I didn't know it was coming".  NOAA weather radio came along in the 80s & 90s and that allowed the warnings to go out instantaneously, however, most households didn't purchase that type of radio.  Fortunately modern technology (cell phones) now allows you to receive the warnings as they are issued  through a weather app.   FOX 8 has a wonderful Weather App that follows me wherever I go.  If a warning is issued, the phone alert goes off.  Almost everyone has a cell phone these days.  We should never be surprised by a tornado unless you choose to ignore modern technology.   I post early today to urge everyone to get a weather app as it is becoming more likely Saturday's storms could be severe.   I will have my usual afternoon post later today, but check with all your family members to make sure they have the FOX 8 Weather App and the alert feature is turned on.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's amazing how much the technology has improved.