Tuesday, May 19, 2020

All Hail, REX Block...

Yesterday I mentioned an upper low over northern Illinois that would dive to the Se and park itself out as a "cut off low" from the main steering.  My colleague. Joe D'Aleo of WeatherBell Analytics, posted these graphics of a "Rex Block", which is an unusual upper air set up that results in very little movement for days.

This current pattern is creating widespread heavy rainfall mainly on the east and northern side of the low.  However, energy rotating around this system could bring us some showers & T-Storms on Wednesday.

Beneath the clouds and showers, temps at mid afternoon were in the 50s & 60s with 80s & 90s outside the clouds.  We tied our record high today of 92,   The position of the upper low will determine where the showers develop tomorrow.   If you live north & east of Lake Pontchartrain, you have the better rain chances.   Hopefully it won't get too nasty as I plan on being in a boat for the first time in 2+ months.  Might not post for a day or 2.   Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Ron Martin said...

Sounds like you're on a "fishing mission"