Monday, June 15, 2020

Cristobal Carried Cleaner Waters to Marsh...

Several weeks ago I showed you how the waters from the Mississippi flowing through the Spillway had muddied Lakes Pontchartrain & Borgne even after the bays were all closed.  With the River staying high, lots of water still seeps through the spaces between the wooden timbers.

Bring in a weak Tropical Storm (Cristobal) surging in salty, clean Gulf waters and , buda bing !

Sure you can still see some mud coming out of the Spillway and lots coming through Mardi Gras pass on the east side of the River.  But look at the difference around Lake Borgne, especially around Shell Beach & Delacroix.   Mother Nature can clean up the mess that man makes.

The Tropics are staying quiet, but there is an interesting low level feature just east of Jacksonville drifting towards the SE.   Due to strong SW upper winds, no T-Storms can develop around the center and models do nothing with it.   Our weather is being influenced by another cut off upper low just north of Atlanta.

It is bring down another surge of drier (lower dew points) air that should keep our rain chances near zero for the next 2-3 days.

It'll be June hot this week, but if we can keep DPs below 70, it will not feel like the awful August heat.    Just remember if you are outside working, exercising or doing yard work, you must stay HYDRATED.    Have some head covering & sunscreen and take breaks.  Use common sense.  Stay tuned!

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