Thursday, October 8, 2020

Delta Making Move to the North...

Latest satellite views still have an eye and Recon data continues to show a strengthening hurricane with winds now at 120 mph and forward motion NNW (340 degrees) at 12 mph.

Hurricane Delta is now north of 25 degrees latitude and is moving into cooler waters.  In addition, upper wind shear should begin the weakening process and NHC is projecting its winds will decrease to 100 mph (Cat 2) at landfall.  The new track is identical to the previous one and models seem to be locked in between LCH & LAF.

There's not much else to add to the NHC discussion.  The main impacts from Delta will be over SW LA with the area west of Morgan City receiving the highest storm surge.   I'm hoping the weakening NHC talks about will be even more as Delta hits the cooler coastal waters.  So far Delta has been a well behaved storm.  Let's hope that continues until it's well inland late Friday evening.

As the surface high drifts off the east coast and Delta churns on northward, our weather for this weekend should be pretty good, if you like warm temperatures.  So where's the cold air?
It is getting cold up in Canada, but our next front won't arrive until later next week.  Let's not complain though as we again missed the worst impacts of a strong Hurricane.  Will update in the morning.  Stay tuned!


Fred said...

Fat Lady sang... what happened?

Anonymous said...

Someone demanded an encore...

Tracey T. said...

Thanks!! I look forward to your posts!!!

Hurricane lover said...

Over night the storm will slow down and move north east, and it will come close to us. Stay tuned.
Hurricane lover

Anonymous said...

Storm is clearly moving north and starting a NNE trend . Will likely get closer to Lafayette than currently noted and all of the money sunk into VIPR is well worth it as it always gets landfall correct......the day before. LOL a total waste.

Sandy said...

Thank you for the update ��

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank you for always keeping us updated.

Anonymous said...

Great to have updates on a storm he said wouldn’t occur.. Fat Lady.

Michael in Thibodaux said...

You love hurricanes? Go spend tomorrow night in Lake Charles. Should be plenty of available motel rooms.

Anonymous said...

It passes right over this in less than 3 hrs. If like Nate a few years ago, actual will be 30 mph less than NHC reports.

Anonymous said...

She did, dumbass

France2107 said...

Why do people always turn a weather report into contention, arguments and verbal abuse? If you don't like the predicitons here there are a ton of others you can tune in to.

Frank said...

This is why I follow Bob. I SURE am not a meteorologist.

Anonymous said...

And your wrong.......again


ROFL, idiot internet trolls trying to scare people into thinking that millions of dollars worth equipment and years of experience is no match for them sitting at their moms house with their box of crayons tracking hurricanes. You people are sad. Like Antifa's baby brothers. Trolling random weather blogs? REALLY? ROFL. Sad losers is all people like Hurricane Lover are. Scare to even post their real name because we all know they are some 14 yr old kid sitting at home with no life and nothing to do.

Anonymous said...

Post your name or are you 14?

Anonymous said...

Bobs prediction for Delta was .... not going to happen. Remember the Fat Lady sang. Bobs embarrassed.

Alphonse P. said...

People, can’t we all just get along, to quote mick.
Seriously, Bob’s weather blog is hardly the place to spread hate and discontent.

MacGuffin said...

What happened to your prediction? Lol

MacGuffin said...

I'm not really seeing a lot of verbal abuse. Maybe it's getting deleted. Criticism is not abuse.