Saturday, October 10, 2020

Different Tracks, Different Wind Results...

In reading many of the comments I see where some of you were surprised that Delta's winds at your house were stronger that Laura's especially since Laura was a much stronger storm.   That can easily be explained by comparing the two tracks.   Laura was moving to the NNW while Delta came in from the SW moving to the NNE.
So if you live around Lafayette, you received stronger winds from Delta than from Laura.  Same for all of SE LA/MS.   Laura's track brought her strongest winds over western LA, while Delta moved much closer to us.  

So we say goodbye to Delta as it is moving away with a large rain shield and a squall line drenching the beaches of NW Florida.   The Gulf and Caribbean are all quiet and we will not see another tropical threat for the next 7-10 days.  However, NHC is highlighting an area out in the central Atlantic for possible development.

Systems coming off of Africa are no longer our worry since cold fronts will usually turn them up the U.S. east coast.  If there is another system to develop in the Gulf, it would have to be over the southern Gulf.  Since I see a series of cold fronts coming here after the 20th, we will not have to worry since the fronts will block any northward movement.

Sunshine has returned along with some lower dew points (drier air).  My rain gage recorded .71" last night and my grass & flowers said thank you!  I don't see much chance for rain over the next 7-10 days.  Enjoy your weekend outdoors and Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

The rain on the northshore throughout the day wasn't too bad, but those winds started to raise concerns in the late evening. I thought for sure I would find loose fencing this morning. Ball's in your court, Epsilon!


Duke said...

Hey Bob,
Just wanted to say thanks again for getting us through all of this with science, facts and good sense rather than all the hype we get from SOME TV people.

Hang in there with us Buddy, we need you.

Circa1976 said...

Yes! My block lost power last night because of the winds.

Alphonse P. said...

Thanks Bob for being the voice of calm and reason.

MacGuffin said...

Did he though? He was way too confident in his wrong forecast with this storm.

There are plenty of meteorologists on TV that don't hype anything up. I can't really think of anyone on 4 or 8 who hype up storms.

Bob is usually a decent weatherman... Usually, but I really would like to see people have a more realistic view of his forecasting. He's decent, not exceptional.

Anonymous said...

MacGuffin, can you please reference the post where he got the forecast wrong with this storm?

Bob’s biggest fan said...

Bob is a god among men and we should all be feeding him grapes at his bedside.

Jerry P said...

Well how about the fact that he stood up and proclaimed and end to all hurricanes threats especially major hurricanes just a week prior to Delta. Even questioned questioned the formation of Delta. Need more?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, reference the post please.
And he NEVER "proclaimed and end to all hurricanes". He said no major hurricanes (Cat 3 or higher). He even clearly stated that. Then Delta did get lower in intensity like he said and made landfall as a Cat 2 storm. Again, just as he said it would.
So what did he say that was not correct? It seems like you are just out for blood and nitpicking every word that he posts.

L. DeLancey said...

Bob, I want to say to you that my sweet father who passed away at the age of 86 absolutely trusted in your weather forecast. My siblings and I often joked that there was God, The Pope then Bob Breck in my fathers eyes. So if he trusted you so do I. Thank you for your continued commitment to getting us the information that we need.

Anonymous said...

DUDE... everyone knows hurricanes 99% of the time weaken prior to landfall and not strengthen because they interact with land... Hurricane 101. That is hardly a gutsy call. You should really re-read his blogs. He had this storm from the get go. Even bashed other social media site for saying it would reach a major hurricane status. Amazing...

Anonymous said...

UGH, all hurricanes weaken once they hit land, duh. Not all do before they hit land. Tell your theory to the folks in PCB with hurricane Michael. This one did because, as Bob explained, of the cooler waters. I think maybe YOU need to re-read the blog posts. Or maybe better yet just stop reading his blog all together if it gets you this worked up. I have asked for you (or anyone) to specifically reference an exact post where he states the things you accuse him of doing. It's not difficult.

Anonymous said...