Saturday, October 3, 2020

Gamma On Land, 92L Up Next...

Gamma made landfall shortly after noon as a near hurricane and is now inland over the Yucatan.  NHC's thinking hasn't changed and their track takes Gamma back into the Gulf with a turn to the west and then SW.  It is interesting that this system could still be over open water NEXT weekend. 

This is not the system we need to watch.  It's 92L south of Haiti that already has a mid level swirl.

We will have many days to follow 92L (Delta?).   IF we were still in mid September before Laura & Sally & 3 cold fronts have cooled the northern Gulf., then I'd really be nervous.  But hurricanes REQUIRE warm water for their fuel.  They have that right now, but the Gulf is much different than 2 weeks ago.  

We still have the large surface high bringing us dry, cooler weather with yet another front coming for late Sunday night.   Don't get overly excited by computer models spewing out intensity forecasts when we don't even have a surface rotation yet.    I'll update a couple of times this weekend, but let's get out and enjoy this great taste of Fall!  Stay tuned!

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