Monday, October 5, 2020

History Tends To Repeat...

Tonight I'm ending my 73rd year on this planet and look forward to begin my 74th year tomorrow.  What some of that time has taught me is to never ignore past history, or you will be doomed to repeat it.  I say that remembering the hurricane season of 2002 when we had two late season major hurricanes, Isadore & Lili.
Isadore came first moving out of the Caribbean but lost her steering and turned southward into the northern Yucatan stalling for several days.  Even through her new track took her straight to Louisiana, her core was so disrupted that she was never able to regain hurricane strength.  A few weeks later came Lili.

   Lili was even stronger reaching a Cat. 4, however once she moved farther northward over cooler water, she quickly weakened down to a Cat. 1 at landfall.  The numbers 1,2,3 & 4 above are the dates in October, 2002.   Will history repeat?  Perhaps.

  Zack Fradella first used the above graphic Saturday morning on FOX 8 showing how much the northern Gulf has cooled from our recent cold fronts.  The bottom graphic was from this morning indicating that cooling was even more pronounced.  The northern Gulf environment is far different from 2-3 weeks ago during Hurricanes Laura & Lili.  It's no surprise to see Hurricane Delta get stronger over the warmest waters of the Caribbean.   It is expected to become a major Cat. 3 over the southern Gulf.  What I'm hoping is past history tells us these strong storms tend to weaken as they get over cooler & cooler waters.  Let's hope that's the case.

Now that Gamma has fallen apart, will it leave behind anything that will influence Delta?  Probably not, but what if Gamma's low pressure region lures Delta's track to turn more into the Yucatan?  Right now the NHC's center line says no.
That will be something to watch for tomorrow night.  IF it stays over the Yucatan Channel with little interaction with the Yucatan, then it will be a stronger storm.  The color satellite pic shows a very compact tight center and expect further strengthening over night into tomorrow,  Here's the latest NHC center line track.

Doesn't look much different from the 4 PM except there has been a slight nudge to the right (east).  You can only see that if you closely follow the center line.

The top graphic was from 4 PM while the bottom is from 10 PM.  Note the slight shift to the east over western Lake Pontchartrain.  Is that significant.  No.  But if that trend continues over the next couple of days, that could get the center to go to our east placing us on the weaker side of Delta.  RIGHT NOW, that is not the forecast.   My take is, if the past is any guidance, then Delta will weaken more than what NHC is predicting.  They still call for a Cat. 2 100 mph storm at landfall , and they may be correct.  I'm showing you some reason for hope with past storms.  IF we remain the bullseye, look for impacts late Thursday night along the coast spreading inland during the day on Friday.  We should have a better idea by Wednesday afternoon.  I will be out fishing ahead of the storm tomorrow and will post again Wednesday afternoon.   Keep watching the things (center line shift) I've focused on and don't get freaked out if Delta reaches Cat. 4 over the southern Gulf just like Lili did in 2002.  I'll be back before any impacts arrive.  Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do!

Queenbeadz said...

Happy Birthday, fellow Libran!

Unknown said...

Thanks Bob. Happy birthday

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday, 10/4. Enjoy the fishing trip!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob thank you for your info I do trust you. ,
Thank you very much for the years of your service.. God Bless you..wish you could chase that storm back were it came from when you out their fishing... LoL...

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob! Thanks for all you do!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday wish you many more and let us know if they were biting 🎣 also thanks for the information

Pompo/Webmaster said...

Happy Birthday and happy fishing!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Bob! Catch a few nice one's tomorrow!

Amatranga said...


Qrockingfan⚜️ said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB!πŸ₯‚πŸΎ Another trip around the Sun...we are blessed when allowed to continue making that journey! Enjoy your day on the waterπŸŽ‰πŸ‹πŸ¦ˆ 🚀⚓️

Richard70435 said...

Happy Birthday my sexy weatherman! We love you!

Anonymous said...


ladeauxgirl said...

Happy Birthday Bob and as always thank you for your insights!

AliciaMO said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Bob! Have fun fishing tomorrow.

Bobby said...

Happy Birthday Bob! Have a great fishing trip and thank you for the great information you continue to send our way!

jimmy said...

Happy Birthday, dishing is always great days before a storm.. thanks for your insight and knowledge.

Black Girl Who Techs said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. Fish are biting in Golden Meadow

Melissa S/E La said...

Happy birthday Mr Breck! Enjoy your fishing trip and thank you for The updates.

Rose said...

Thank You. Have a blessed Birthday.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday,Bob! Thank you for keeping us informed on these storms.πŸŒ€

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Hope you enjoy your day.

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Bob🎈..and thanks for keeping us in the know!πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ»

Donna said...

Happy Birthday Bob.....Enjoy your fishing trip and Thank you for all of your knowledge......May you be Blessed Always

rb40 said...

Hope that you have an Awesome Day ...

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob...enjoy your day. Thanks as always for the update

Lynne T said...

You are the go to man - HB

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bob. You will ever be my trusted source for hurricane forecasts. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your fishing trip.
T Lynn

Opal said...

Prayers for you Bob as you celebrated another year of life on this beautiful earth of ours! Hope 74 is good to you. Thanks for your reporting and keeping us sane all these years. I’ll be watching for your blogs as I’m evacuating for this one. Prayerfully, I’ll have a home to come back to. If not, God is with me and in Him I trust! God bless you!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday and happy fishing!

Trudy C. said...

Thanks for your insight Bob! Enjoy your 74th birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Bob. Thanks for continuing to stick your neck out blog about the weather.

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday Bob! CHEERS πŸ˜ƒπŸ·

Fatcat said...

Happy Birthday Bob!!

lisi said...

Happy Big Fish Catchin' Birthday Wishes!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob!

Sherida said...

Happy Birthday God bless you!

Liony said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your fishing trip!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and thank you for taking the time to keep us informed.

Circa1976 said...

Happy Happy Birthday Mr.Bob ❤❤❤

AStringer said...

Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Sally Taylor Harasty said...

Thank you for your insight. Enjoy your day as we continue to prepare for Delta.

Ron Martin said...

Bob...may the Creator bless you with health and happiness for your birthday and maybe some good fishing luck safe.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bob! Thank you for all that you do! You truly help my family understand what to expect.

Lea said...

If I could carry a tune, I would sing happy birthday to you.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you many more!
Hope the fish are biting for you!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day.

Beau Gex said...

Happy birthday Bob

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob!

Jeff in Kenner said...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the best weatherman out there!!!! We appreciate and trust you so much!!! I tell everyone to look at your Blog and when you say it's time to panic, then we can panic!!! :) Thank you for all that you do!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Thank you for your service to our community!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday from one Hoosier to another. Since I moved to New Orleans, everyone I know has said you are the king of weather. Glad to see someone from 'da region' looking over us.

John said...

Thanks for the info

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bob! Have fun fishing!!

hannah said...

Love u bob happy birthday

Peggy said...

Happy Birthday, Bob!! Watched you when you first came to New Orleans and even thought we're no longer in the region (have family there though) I still seek you out for hurricane predictions.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Cindy? said...

Cat 4 coming to Louisiana and Bob has gone quiet?

Martin S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martin S said...

Happy birthday Bob and you are the man I look to when I need information on a storm. Thanks you for all info over the years..

Anonymous said...

Did dinosaur Bob die? Crickets from him today. His weak storm prediction has failed. Maybe he is embarrassed??

Tm3 said...

Happy Birthday Bob i hope its great day!!! Please come back and update us on Delta have not hears from you all day!!! You are the ONLY one i trust

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Go somewhere else

Unknown said...

He's trying to enjoy his birthday.

Jonathan Bailey said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's a great one!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday sweet Bob

Rock H. said...

Happy Birthday, Bob!

Joey said...

Happy Birthday young man and many blessings!!!

Danette said...

Happy Birthday Bob. Hope you have an amazing day. We miss seeing you on the news

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!����

Unknown said...

Thanks, Bob. Happy birthday!

Darlen Cherami said...

Happy Birthday Bob!
Your post gives me hope. Praying it doesn't hit us head on.

Jerry Peaux said...

Has anyone told Bob there very well may be a MAJOR Hurricane just hours from Louisiana landfall end of week? Wait Bob said the Fat Lady officially sang and not to worry... oops.

Anonymous said...

Dinosaur Bob sleeps all day. And when he makes bad predictions (such as a weak hurricane), he hides his face for a while.

Anonymous said...

Dinosaur Bob sleeps all day after he makes a bad prediction such as a ""weak hurricane approaching the Gulf coast due to cool water.""

Cindy said...

It’s taking him over 24hrs to try and figure out how to spin this into someone else’s fault and not his for saying Fat Lady sang and major hurricane threats are over .

Michael C said...

Happy Birthday Bob.. Wishing you many more!

Shay A. said...

Happy Birthday Bob!! Cheers to another trip around the sun! πŸŒžπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸ’¨