Sunday, December 6, 2020

Nuisance Rains, Then Clearing & Seasonally Cool...

Watching LSU crumble against Alabama last night, reminding me of how quickly you can go from the penthouse to the outhouse.  Bright Sunshine on Saturday (Penthouse) morning gave way to late clouds and today's dreary skies (Outhouse).  Even though radar coverage looks extensive, rain amounts have been very small.

The water vapor view has a weak disturbance over Oklahoma that's creating a SW upper flow over us.  Once that passes, a new surge of cooler and drier air will make for a delightful beginning to next week with lots of sunshine and comfy cool days and some frosty (North Shore) nights.

The real Arctic cold remains bottled up in Canada and, after a below normal start, next week should see a late week warm up.  You can see why today's rains are really the nuisance type since dew points are in the 40s with much of the moisture evaporating before reaching the ground. 

Today's low clouds will be replaced by bright sunshine for tomorrow and Tuesday. Speaking of sunshine...
Today is the birthday of my special lady Brenda.  Happy Birthday Love!  Stay tuned! & Go Saints!