Thursday, May 13, 2021

Calendar Says Spring, But It's a Fall Feel...

I noticed walking Bailey last night that the air felt almost "cool" with brisk north winds coming off Lake Pontchartrain.  What I was feeling was the drop in humidity/lower dew points as the cold front pushed farther down into the Gulf.  We are drier at the surface, but some mid level moisture lingers allowing clouds to build up during daytime heating.

We will not get back into a southerly flow until late on Saturday so the next 2 days will feel great.  

Don't get use to it as next week looks like the rainy pattern will return.  We already have become the 5th wettest May with our sights set on reaching #2.  Current rain total for MSY is 11.13".

Fortunately areas farther up the Mississippi River have not experienced the heavy rainfall like down over us.  That will result in a crest (12.3') on the Mississippi next week that will stay far below the level (17') needed for the Corps of Engineers to open the Spillway.  That is terrific news for all the oyster fishermen and fishermen in general.

A reminder, this week is Hurricane Preparedness Week, but it's hard to think Hurricanes when our weather is so nice.

As long as our winds remain out of the north, we'll continue to enjoy the good feel air. I suggest you get out and enjoy it.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

JS said...

Someone posting "meteorologist" info shows a possible tropical system per the GFS model by Sunday May 22nd? Any insight on this? My wedding is that weekend.