Thursday, June 20, 2024

Alberto Is Gone, Beryl On Deck For East Coast

Since I have a 3:45 PM Meeting, I'm doing an early update not knowing what NHC will do at 4 PM.  Let's begin by looking back on what we learned from Tropical Storm Alberto.  His center of circulation went in over Tampico, Mexico.  However, since he never was a well defined tight circulation, his impacts extended well away from the center.\ producing coastal flooding from Alabama to Texas.

In addition to seeing impact far from the center, we learned that many broadcasters had no clue of the correct pronunciation for Alberto.  I can understand newscasters not knowing, but every weathercaster should know.  Why?  Each hurricane season, I always went to the NHC storm names where they tell you how to pronounced those from French, Spanish or other origins.

It's not rocket science folks.  Those who don't know are just lazy and don't take the time to learn.  If you saw pictures from down along the coast, you know we have issues with sea level rises and land sink age.  This was just a weak tropical storm hundreds of miles from Louisiana.  Let's look ahead.

.The Topics look to stay active for the next 7-10 days.  Fortunately, the threats will be away from us.

Another swirl coming off the Yucatan this weekend will stay far to our south.  The system east of Florida appears likely to be our named storm.

As Dr. Knabb just said on TWC, this system will go over the Gulf stream later tonight and could quickly ramp up to T.S. Beryl.  My guess is NHC will start issuing PTC #2 advisories at 4 PM.  We'll see.  At any rate, it's not our storm.  Finally...

Today at 3:50 PM the Summer Solstice occurs.  We've felt like summer since the last 10 days of May so it's no big deal for us.  It should give you hope that in only 90 days Fall arrives!  Except, we all know it'll be hot into October.  Check with FOX 8 to see if Beryl is born.  Stay tuned!

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