Monday, June 24, 2024

Finally CAG Is Gone. NHC Watching Wave Out In Atlantic

It seems for weeks we have been watching the Central American Gyre send small spin ups (Alberto, 92 L) across the Caribbean into the southern Gulf.  Finally, that cycle is broken for now as only a weak upper low spins west of the Yucatan.  Most of the T-Storm clusters have dissipated with NHC's attention now focused east of the Islands.

Since this wave is so far south in latitude, it will likely follow the path of the previous disturbances and head into the Yucatan and then into the southern Gulf.  It won't be a problem for us and here's why.  The upper steering pattern has this summer's heat dome to our west with a northerly flow over the Gulf.  Models spread the heat dome back over us for next week blocking any tropical threats from us.

There is a weak upper low over the southern Gulf & that creates a hostile environment for development.  Bottom line, don't sweat this wave until we have something to track.  We are tracking a cold front sinking into the Deep South.

This front will stall before reaching us, but it should get close enough to increase our daytime heating shower threat.  At least the North Shore should see some cooling relief this evening.

Ahead of this boundary it's very hot.  We need to see more of these daytime storms just to keep the heat in check.

The seven day becomes pretty useless at this time of the year.  Each day will be hot & humid with spotty storms.  What fluctuates is the daily rain chances and that results in temps. being less hot.  Finally, I don't make this stuff up.  We all see the daily bombardment of climate change being pushed every day whether on TV, newspapers or social media.  I'm a climate CYCLE guy.  That is NOT a denier for those AGW alarmists.  Look at these pictures below.

What does the media pick up on?   Climate change drives extinction, right?  They miss the next 3 words.  But there's more (cudos to Lee Zurik).  Look at these two maps. Which one looks hotter?

Obviously it's the bottom, but let's investigate.  The top map is from June 20th 1988 when many cities topped 100+.  The bottom is from June 20, 2024 where I couldn't find any city above 100.  So what's going on?  Who has an agenda here?  Now I'm reading the solar CYCLE affects the number of named storms.  Climate change has always happened and it is NOT black or white but many shades of gray.  Stay tuned!

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